You love buhurt, not necessarily as a fighter, but would love to get involved with the Los Angeles Golden Knights? Good for you, we have many options that might suit your skills! You may join us at training as a marshal, or a squire, or from the confort of your sofa as a fundraiser or recruiter! 


Aka, the referee. Buhurt is a martial arts involving strict rules to insure the safety of our fighters. If you want to jump into the list, feel the adrenaline, but not in the mood of facing 6-feet fighters holding maces and axes, then come and join us as a marshal. If you are new to the sport, no worries, we will train you and get you up to speed on all the rules!


Believe it or not, these big babies really need a hand to get dressed! But much more than a simple assistant, the squire provides much needed moral support, strategic advise and armor adjustments between rounds to the exhausted fighters. Buhurt is a team sport where teammates are not only on the list, but also all around!


A buhurt soft kit armor costs around $450, and a basic custom steel armor starts at $2,500. Because all our members are unable to afford their own equipment, we constantly fundraise with friends and family to repair/purchase equipment for our team members. All support in helping us raising funds through donations or sponsors is much welcomed!


Part of our mission is to raise the awareness of buhurt and its values into our local communities. The more fighters we can train, the better for the entire team! We are therefor constantly holding enrolling events and spreading the word. If you have a megaphone, a Master’s in marketing, or 100k+ friends on social media, please reach out and help getting more people into our amazing sport!