Our humble team has the ambition of introducing Los Angeles County aspiring buhurt fighters to the values of our sports, and experimented medieval battle enthusiasts with proper equipment and exciting events. Because everyone can not afford to purchase their own equipment (starting at $2,500 for basic armor), we are proud to be counting on our donors’ generosity to fulfill our mission. 

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Donate gear & equipment

The Los Angeles Golden Knights welcome all gear and equipment donations. These allow us to provide new fighters with all the safety they require to getting familiar with the sport. It also provides our fighters with armor and weapons if they are unable to afford their own equipment. Acquiring tailored buhurt equipment can be costly, but thanks to the generosity of our donors, we are able to support our members’ needs.

Cash contribution

We also welcome cash donations to support purchase of new training and fighting equipment, as well as events organization we hold regularly in local communities.